Six Speed Coffin

Six Speed Coffin
New Sounds From SJ/07

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Out of the Blue

Last night was the march Hardston cafe. Myself, Graeme (my drummer) and a couple of our friends Derek and Christian. So we show up and the people that are hosting it ask us if we brought our instruments. Naturally, since we came to just watch, we did not. They apparently had 6 bands lined up to play but 4 of them bailed out. So now we're rushing all over Saint John getting our gear together to play a show at the last minute! Needless to say, it was pretty exciting. So as we were racing about, gathering guitar and amp and cymbals over west, we call our singer and steal him from his girlfriend to come sing. As we all finally pile into Derek's car to race back to the venue, we start to throw around song ideas.

Finally, once we reach the hardstone cafe, we start to run through some of the songs we planned to do. They were American Woman - by the guess who, God of Thunder - by Kiss and Here Comes The Boom - by P.O.D.

After a while of frantic lyric writing on paper and useless rehearsal, we got up on stage and just rocked it out. Graeme had to make up 2/3 songs worth of drumming and he did very very well and I commend him on it. Christian rapped POD well for us as andrew sung his heart out for American Woman and God of Thunder. I supplied the rythm and lead for both songs, only botching the solo for God of Thunder that I had to make up on the spot. The crowd seemed to like the music and we all enjoyed ourselves thouroughly.

This gig was one huge shock out of the blue but we were all happy we got to perform.

6 Speed Coffin

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